If you are listed as an approver for a forum component, you may receive an email indicating that a comment has been added and requires approval.

  1. Follow the link in the email to display the forum page.
  2. Log in. There will be an Approve button at the top of the topic list.
  3. Click Approve. The Comment Approval List window appears.
  4. View each pending comment for any objectionable or incorrect content. For each comment, you now have three choices:
    1. Approve the comment.  Check the box next to the comment, then click Approve Checked Comments.
    2. Modify the comment, then approve it. Click the Edit button to modify and submit the comment. Then, approve the comment as described in 4.a above.
    3. Delete the comment. Check the box next to the comment, then click Delete Checked Comments.
Component for this Procedure: Forum
Minimum Community Center Version: 2
User Role: Editor
Procedure Link: http://www.liaa.org/howtoprocedure.asp?howtoid=54