When you rename a topic, you also must update the description.

  1. Click Manage Topics . The Forum Topics window appears.
  2. In the Existing Topics section of the window, locate the topic(s) you wish to change. Check the box next to the topic(s). If you want to retain or slightly modify the topic's description, highlight the description text and right click to Copy the text.
  3. In the New Topic section of the window, type a new or revised Name for the checked topic(s).
  4. If you have a new description for the topic, type it in the Description box. If you are simply copying the previous description, right click the Description box and select Paste.
  5. Click Rename Checked to New.
Component for this Procedure: Forum
Minimum Community Center Version: 2
User Role: Editor
Procedure Link: http://www.liaa.org/howtoprocedure.asp?howtoid=53