Location Maps are very flexible. Here are the properties you can set when adding a location map to a website. Contact LIAA support if you need any help with specific applications.

View Dimensions: Defines the height and width of the view in pixels. On responsive websites, leave the width set to 0 (100%) to have the view fill the available width of the device. Set the height at 300 to 600 pixels.

View Center: Defines what part of the planet your map will show. If you define Locations (see below), check the Zoom to Map Location Bounds box. Otherwise, check the Define using preview map box and use the map that appears to specify the view you want to use.

Map Style: Defines the base information on the map.

  • Road shows only roads and public lands.
  • Aerial shows satellite imagery or aerial photography.
  • Hybrid shows the Aerial background with roads superimposed on it.
  • Terrain shows shaded relief with roads.

Map Controls: Adds or removes interactive tools to the map view.

  • Disable Zoom Control removes the ability of the user to change the zoom level of the map.
  • Enable Drag Box Zoom adds a tool in the upper left corner of the map that allows the user to draw a box around the area they would like to zoom to, giving them more control and a quicker zoom process.
  • Show Map Scale displays a graphical scale bar on the map.
  • Show Map Legend displays a list of the locations below the map. Users can click these to center the location in the current map view.
  • Disable Street View removes the street view peg man tool from the map that allows the user to initiate street view by dragging the tool to a map location.
  • Disable Full Screen removes the full screen view tool from the map.
  • Add Center On Box adds a text box below the map into which a user can type an address or place name. If found, the map will pan to that location when it is submitted.

Map Overlays: Your website may have overlays defined that can be added to the map. Check boxes here for the overlays you would like to add to your maps. Note that overlays need to be added by a website designer (usually LIAA support).

Map Locations: Add points to your map by clicking Add New. The Edit Map Location window appears.

  1. Select a location using one of the following methods:
    1. Click the map. The Latitude/Longitude of the place you click will be saved. You can click the map again to change the location if necessary.
    2. Type the Latitude and Longitude you have from a GPS unit or other source. You must type only decimal degrees. When done typing the numbers, click Submit Lat/Lon to save your work.
    3. Type an address and click Submit Address. Google geocodes the address and saves the Latitude and Longitude. Carefully check the resulting map location as Google will geocode anything and your location may not be where you expect it to be.
  2. Once you have a correct location, provide Location Information:
    1. Type a Location Name.
    2. Choose an Icon for the location. Click a category below the Icon dropdown list, then choose an icon from the dropdown list.
    3. Optionally add a Click Action. You may paste a complete URL to another web page (starting with http) or you may type some Text that will be displayed in a bubble when an end user clicks the location.
  3. Click Done when you are ready. The Edit Map Location window disappears, and the new location appears in the Map Locations section of the Location Map Definition window.
Component for this Procedure: Location Map
Minimum Community Center Version: 4
User Role: Editor
Procedure Link: http://www.liaa.org/howtoprocedure.asp?howtoid=118